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Contribution Levels

The Corvallis Repertory Singers is proud to be a member of a community that appreciates and supports The Arts and quality choral performances.  Our budget of about $40,000 per year allows us to present three high-quality programs in our community.  Within our budget, we pay for musical scores, copyrights, venues, accompanists, orchestra, publicity and promotions, tickets and brochures. All of our board members and most of our singers are volunteers who participate because of their passion to be part of a high-quality musical endeavor.

Ticket sales alone — even with sold-out performances — cannot cover the expense of putting on a concert season that so pleases our audiences. Your gift to the Corvallis Repertory Singers, a non-profit 501(c)(3) supports the continuation of these concerts. The good things done by your gift extend far beyond the walls of concert halls. What we do builds community, by creating social connections, increasing cross-cultural understanding, and promoting civic engagement. It contributes to the future educational outreach to our young people. It makes this special place we all call home, even better.

Your contribution is so important to the success of this non-profit, community-focused, volunteer-driven effort. It’s tax-deductible, and it will be so much appreciated.  You’ll make a difference in the lives of those around you, in the well-rounded education of our young people, and in the well-being of our community.

Your contribution also yields a 100% credit on Oregon taxes with a matching donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust. For information, visit  To qualify for the credit on this year’s taxes, the gift to the Trust must be made before December 31.

Corvallis Repertory Singers is an independent non-profit with 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.  


Your Gift of:

  • $1500 helps to cover costs associated with rental of our venue.
  • $750 underwrites the cost of a soloists or concertmaster (rehearsals and concert).
  • $100 supports the purchase of music for one singer for the season

Sponsor Levels


Exclusive Corporate Concert Sponsor: $1,500 and up

  • Your name and logo prominently displayed on all concert publicity, materials, including our website.
  • 8 tickets in prime seating to your sponsored concert.
  • Special presentation from the stage the night of the concert

Season Impresario Sponsor: $1,000-$1,499

  • Your name or logo displayed on all concert publicity, materials, and on our website.

Season Benefactor Sponsor: $500-$999

  • Your name or logo in our concert program and on our website.

Supporter: $250-$499     Patron: $100-249     Friend: $20 to $99

  • Program recognition.

Options for donating:

Contributions to Corvallis Repertory Singers may be sent to:

P.O. Box 121, Corvallis OR 97339
or submitted via PayPal by clicking on the contribute button below.